Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Danica's 3rd Happy Birthday!!!

This is Pop Pop. He really does think I'm the it must be so!
Happy Birthday to ME!! I am now 3 years old!!

It's my Birthday and I am dressed like a Princess!

Yes ...I am cute
See my Kitty Kitty?

Mary Ann...I just can't believe my little girl is already 3 years old.
Aunt Dizzy!!! Look I got my braces off!!!
Peggy Sue and Mary Ann...this is what the Edwards Mold looks like!
My cousin Tayvon...we call him Tay Tay

Auntie Kristi and Uncle Tabu
DJ has a sling on because he broke his collar bone.
Mikey keeps wanting to open my presents!

Nana baked and decorated my Ariel Cake...vanilla pudding cake and almond frosting!
I'd like to grant each of you one wish for my birthday...and if Michael doesn't stop whining I'm gonna "bop" him with my magic wand!!

My friend Carly
We are the Princesses!

The Tee shirt says it all!!
Anyone up for a game of Twister?

Okay...that was a good Birthday....I'm pooped!!


Zachary, Caden, Danica and Madison....silly kids!!!
So who are all these guys here? They all look like the Jim Edwards Gang!!
Danica and Ben Franklin

Oh that Jim!! Always showing off his new watch!!

Caden and his Old Friend
Jim and Madison among some of our Founding Fathers

Jim and Ben...Jim's telling him how Great minds think alike!! Actually what Jim is saying is "you know what they say.."
Jim and John McCain the Republican Presidential Canidate 2008
Jessica Rod and Zach in Constitution Center

Danica and Caden making Stars at the craft table for kids

Washington DC 2008

We are at the Air and Space Museum at the Smithsonian in Wash DC

The Washington Monument
The Capital Building in Washington DC
Madison and Zachary next to a REAL space suit worn by astronauts

Zachary and exhibit!!
Air and Space Museum
Hey! Want a bite of my "Fartfignewton"?
They're gone! She ate 'em all!

Nice Picture! Madison PopPop(Jim) and Jessica

Zachary and Danica
Maddy and Jessica
Can I PLEASE sit in the stroller now?
Madison has her OWN street here in Wash. DC

OH wish you were me!!

Michael and Danica's Laundry Day!

Being 3 is great! We are going to help mom do the laundry. My cousin Danica is helping me let's make one thing clear..she is standing behind me, I DON'T have a side ponytail!!!!!
Oh great Nana has the camera again...just ignore her Mikey, we got work to do for Dizzy.
He ALWAYS gets the chair! I wanted the chair!!
This one's stuck. Hope I don't fall in....MICHAEL!!! Come back!! We're not finished yet!!

Here's another one...I'll get it!!
I think we got it all Sis...

I think I just push this button to start the dryer.
Don't worry...I got a plan!
Pearl is begging..."Somebody PLEASE SAVE ME!!!"
Mikey and Danica wait for the laundry to finish
It's all in a days work. We did good Sissy!!